We have very important elections coming up in November and we need all the help we can get to make sure we support the right candidates. We want to find and support fiscally conservative, constitutional candidates so that the houses are split with 2 major minorities (establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans) with the remainder of the houses filled with 'We the People' officials. Think for a minute about this split in the Senate:
45 Democrat
45 Republican
10 We the People
If those ten were true, honest to goodness, red-blooded American patriots, how much bad legislation do you think would pass Congress? Theoretically, none! I don't know about you, but my heart would not be broken if no legislation was passed in the next session of Congress. This ratio would stop 'progress'. If we had even more 'We the People', we might be able to get this train in reverse and start peeling back some of this stifling legislation that has been growing on, and smothering, our Constitution. But even if we can only stop the train, we will be able to build our power. We have to stop the train before we can put it in reverse.
Banks The Next Shoe to Drop
3 years ago